
Over the last few years, I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to share my views through various mediums, not just writing.

Here are some of my favourites...

The “What is Money?” Show
I feel truly honoured to have been able to sit down with Robert Breedlove, given that he has had a huge influence on me and my personal Bitcoin journey. If you haven’t listened to his podcast, “What is Money?” before, you’re missing out. In our talk, we discuss the key
Swan 21 Voices - The Hidden Cost of Our Broken Money
While in Madeira earlier this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Bevan, a.k.a. Bit Intelligence. When we sat down to record, I had no idea what would come out of it. Long story short, I am immensely grateful. Bevan has done a phenomenal job putting together this
The Investors Podcast: The Hidden Cost of Money
This has been, by far, my favourite podcast to date. Truly humbled & appreciative. From the depth of my heart, thank you, Preston, for the opportunity, & the phenomenal conversation.
What Bitcoin Did Podcast: The Hidden Cost of Money
Since falling down the rabbit hole that is Bitcoin, I have been listening to Peter and Danny and the countless phenomenal guests they have brought on. I was, therefore, in total shock when I was given the opportunity to fly down to Nashville and join the boys on the pod.
Bitcoin Atlantis 2024
What a whirlwind start to the year! I feel truly honoured to have been asked to head to Madeira to speak at Bitcoin Atlantis. Below, you will find my first main-stage panel talk with John Dennehy, D++, and Dusan Matuska, which was hosted by Ella Hough, and my second main-stage
Dating Beyond High Time Preference!
When it comes to Bitcoin, you never quite know where a conversation might lead—and this one truly surprised me. What started as a chat about money and dating turned into one of the most mind-expanding conversations I’ve had in a while. Heather has an incredible way with words
Why Bitcoin Is the Best Money To Ever Exist!
A little while back, I had the chance to sit down with Bram and his podcast, Bitcoin for Millenials, and dive into one and only topic—Bitcoin. I was genuinely blown away by the thoughtfulness of his questions and the depth of the conversation. This ended up being one of
The Your Life! Your Terms! Show
Every so often, you jump on a podcast, and the conversation just flows. This was one of those podcasts. I had a blast sitting down with Tom to discuss, as you can probably guess, the hidden cost of our money. Enjoy!
Bitcoin Rodeo 2024
What a conference! For a smaller audience, Bitcoin Rodeo packs a punch. I feel grateful to have been invited to the Rodeo to speak on a couple of panels (you can find these talks below). I’m excited for next year. In the meantime, enjoy these talks if you haven’t already.
Freedom Footprint Show
A couple of weeks back, I was asked if I’d be interested in joining Knut Svanholm and Luke DeWolf on their podcast, The Freedom Footprint Show. As you can probably guess, I jumped at the opportunity and had a blast. In this podcast, we discuss everything from philosophy and time
Melanion Capital: The Impact of Bitcoin & Monetary Policy on Society & the Environment
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Jad from Melanion Capital to discuss all things money. I hugely appreciated Jad’s questions, so if you get a chance to give it a listen, I hope you find value in it! You can find the original article and talk here.
Bitcoin, Austrian Economics, & the Future of Money
In this podcast, I sat down with Jarrett Vaughan in Vancouver and discussed everything from Austrian economics to family systems. Jarrett asked such great questions, which meant we went in directions I didn’t expect. I really enjoyed this conversation. P.s. I haven’t done too many in-person podcasts, but I
Bitcoin Basics Series
These podcast are part of a multipart series (out roughly once a month) where the fundamentals of Bitcoin are explored in laid back, conversational, round table type style. I join Josh & Dan, hosts of the Blue Collar Podcast and DazBea, my partner in Looking Glass Education. Enjoy! Episode One…
How Bitcoin Challenges Broken Money Systems
In this podcast episode, I was lucky enough to join Scott from Block Rewards to discuss the potential for Bitcoin to bring financial freedom and authenticity to individuals. We explore the limitations of traditional fiat currencies and the unique, decentralized nature of Bitcoin. We also delve into…
We Are All Satoshi
In this talk, filmed by @VanBitcoiners, I go deep into the profound impact of money, the challenges with our current fiat system, and the promise Bitcoin holds for our future. In this talk, I’ll discuss: * The historical and societal implications of fiat money. * How currency shapes individual b…
Can Bitcoin Repair Our Broken Family System?
I have to say it: DJ Valerie B Love is one of the most enthusiastic, down-to-earth, and genuine people in the Bitcoin space. When she reached out asking if I wanted to join her livestream podcast, I had to say yes. This is my discussion with Valerie on whether or
Why Are We Bullish?
I am super grateful for the opportunity to join Ben from BTC Sessions on his weekly “Why are we Bullish?” series alongside Scott from Block Rewards and John from Swan. This wide-ranging chat was a blast. Enjoy…
Once Bitten! Podcast
I have to say. This has been one of my favourite podcasts to date. Daniel Prince, the host of the Once Bitten! podcast, and I go deep into my article, “The Surprising Solution to Our Downfall in Culture & Authenticity,” and discuss everything from parenting to Bitcoin. Enjoy. P.s. you
Macro & Bitcoin Education
I have been listening to the Investors Network and Preston Pysh for many years now, so to have the opportunity to join Preston on the pod was truly an honour. In this conversation with Greg Foss, James Lavish, Jason Sansone, Preston and myself, we dive into all things macro, Bitcoin,
Should We Be Worried About a Collapsing Population?
In October 2022, I had the opportunity to visit Prague and speak at the Liberty in Our Lifetime conference hosted by the Free Cities Foundation. In his talk, I discuss everything from how our economy works to the importance of sound money and education. I have to say, meeting a
Idea Creation & Inner Programming
In November 2022, Sama asked if I wanted to join him on the Bitcoin Consciousness podcast, and I jumped at the opportunity. I have listened to a handful of his other talks, and I have to say, this is one of my favourite podcasts as it dives into that intersection
Bitcoin, The School System And Life As A Game Of Luck
I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to join my good friend on brand his new podcast on reading and learning. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Could Bitcoin Be the Global Reserve Currency?
I have to be honest... I have more experience on the interviewee side of things than the interviewer, but its always good to push your comfort zone. A little while back, I had the incredible opportunity to interview someone on Real Vision—a platform which greatly assisted me in developing
Education, Inflation, and the Potential Illusion of Free Will
Dylan reached out to me asking if I wanted to join him on his newly created podcast, Books and Bitcoin, and so of course I said, “definitely!” I have to admit, this podcast caught me by surprise. I was expecting the usual conversation about Bitcoin and macroeconomics, and it was
Why and How Does Bitcoin Influence What We Strive to Achieve?
I am going to be honest... Initially, I reached out to John Vallis to discuss his article “Money Messiah.” I didn’t expect to join him on his podcast, Bitcoin Rapid-Fire. We, therefore, set a date to chat and a few weeks later that date was upon us. Ten minutes before
Coaching Complexity Simply
Most podcasts revolve around what’s happening in the media or are focused on educating the user. This podcast, Bitcoin With Jake, was a pleasure to be on as Jake dives into the backstory of each of his guests, getting to know them and how they came to be who they